Wednesday 2 July 2008

Ten years ago, two demon entities came INTO me, possessing me, and pretended that they were God and Jesus. They used to demonise my mother, before they came to me too. I was mixed up, and mentally and physically abused by them, and ended up in mental hospital twice (because my husband thought I was mentally ill rather than possessed). I came out with a clean bill of mental health both times. 'God' advised me to marry my husband, which I did (with fortunately no real regrets).

A year ago, they came back to me, still pretending to be God and Jesus, and were sexually, physically and mentally torturing me again. About four months ago I realised that they were NOT God and Jesus, and I TRIED to teach them with psychotherapy that they were 'Good men doing bad things' and how to stop themselves (which they haven't). One of them seems to be the 'goody' and the other the 'baddy' right now (saying that the good one is trying to 'protect' me from the bad one and now believing in Jesus and God too). I have taught them that God exists, and that Heaven exists, and they SEEM to realise it.

I fell in love with one of them (not realising what I was doing - I believe it's called 'Stockholm Syndrome' which you might like to look up on the Internet).
Sometimes they seem to me to be reasonably nice, but they are NOT nice towards my husband - making him feel awkward towards me and spoiling our marriage (as you can guess). I have now realised I am not 'in-love' (fortunately, for they really aren't the type of people I'd want in my life).

They still mix up my mind, and take it over. They have the ability to read all my mind, even my 'smallest' ideas, and can look at ALL my past memories. I do not know what other powers they have, but I DO know that God has FAR greater powers than they.

I believe they do a lot of evil and will suffer for it - but God is their judge.
I am not trained in psychotherapy, but have used Transactional Analysis in my life for many many years, and it has stood me in good stead. Unfortunately they haven't really understood the complete concepts of it, and are still deciding to do evil, rather than STOP.

My husband is an unbeliever and isn't always aware of the whole picture (which is understandable). He also gets 'mixed up' in his mind, although he is unaware of it. They have the power to 'take over' our minds, but he won't believe me. He has also changed his attitudes, and hasn't realised it. The entities have told me that they have also caused a change in his consciousness, but I don't know whether to believe them or not.

I hope you can help, for I am in desperate need, and don't know how I've coped over this past year.

I am NOT complicit in their staying here with me - I tell them to go, and they promise to do so (immediately), which is a lie (over and over and over). I'm almost at my wits end as to who to ask for help (if there is actually any help I can get other than from God Himself).

If you feel you can be of ANY help either now or in a years time then please contact me at

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